From: Juerd Date: 18:26 on 27 Mar 2004 Subject: CPANPLUS "According to the cache, Apache::Request failed to install before in this session.. returning!" Then TRY AGAIN. That's why I typed "s force 1" to enable forcing ('force' being a global setting is another discussion of hate). Rule number one when caching: never cache errors. Rule number two: drop the cache when relevant variables change. Alternatively, don't cache at all. I think a module installer can do without caching of results. Juerd
From: Tom Insam Date: 20:35 on 27 Mar 2004 Subject: Re: CPANPLUS > Rule number one when caching: never cache errors. > > Rule number two: drop the cache when relevant variables change. Also a hate I have for CPAN - it's not merely CPANPLUS...
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